giovedì 26 novembre 2009

A view beneath the bridge

Ciao collaboratori

This is the first video I am going to use. Maybe I am going to quote some lines from the original text by Miller. Dancers should start mixing with the train running shot.

Then I should start dancing with them in the second video posted in the previous post (makes sense?... )
Hope you like the msg behind it :)

Found this...

Arthur Miller's explanation

Brooklyn Bridge

Hi class

I don't know if you already assigned the different bridges. I am working on Brooklyn Bridge since I would also like to include quotes from A View From The Bridge

Also, I found a video that was taken on the Brooklyn Bridge. The music is composed and played by a dear freind of mine, Daniele Camarda, whose music I was planning to use anyway. Here is the video:

sabato 14 novembre 2009

Die de los Muertos video

This is my small video on El Dia de los Muertos. We have a similar tradition in Italy and I have always been fascinated by the Mexican lore and culture. A Mexican friend of mine forwarded this video to me. I only added the funny intro and found a song for it...

Gracias A La Vida as performed by the great Mercedes Sosa, a legendary folk singer from Argentina.

Thoughts after the show? Well, lots of tension in doing something I am not used to doing.
But I cared so much for the performance and I realized, as I was saying it to Dr. Gilbert, that for me it was the first performance with my back to the audience. I guess I was feeling part of it as the people on stage.

Everybody is excited about the creative and connecting possibilities this can lead to. And I was. And I am.
But at the same time, I was thinking that live perfomances are irreplaceable. The Korean dancer literally bewitched me. Would it had been the same if I were in California?

I am saying this because a singer and songwriter I know once said that the future of songwriters will be through shows online via skype, since clubs don't pay much anymore. I think this is going to kill the ritual of music, of performance in general. Human beings' breath, sweat, smell are as part of the performance as the artistic material they are working with.

Let's enjoy this. Let's learn. But let's continue to go to clubs and theatres. I am afraid new generations will prefer to stay home and watch shows from their screens...

domenica 8 novembre 2009

across the subway

while working on my video project (which I lost since I did not save it... :(
I filmed this in the subway

venerdì 2 ottobre 2009

an extra

Hey collaborators
Ok I'm posting this extra-one for 2 reasons:

1) I did not understand that the first assignment was only pictures
2) A friend of mine suggested me I put songs of mine on youtube, even with only a pictures of mine. Then I thought: Wait, I can do better than that...

I also thought that this is very collaborative in its way. Most of these pictures were taken by photographers in different live occasions. Thanks to the pictures we met as artists and then we continued collaborating and keeping in touch. Some of them became good friends of mine!

So, I hope you enjoy the song

Video coming up soon, hopefully

martedì 22 settembre 2009

Oceans in and out of me

Ok, I panicked for this assignment because I never had a mac before, let alone being able to use iMovie and make a clip! :)
And then I had to introduce myself, even harder... ;)

Who am I? Well, of course music defines me better than anything else.
In these days I was listening to this song I sing with my duo: The song is called Oceano and is composed by the pianist I play with. The lyrics to this song define me in a deep and intimate way, although I did not write them.

I filmed some clips during this week, I guess I am also...this week. Places I've seen, people I met, experiences I had.
But I am also the places where I lived in, the people that were there and that became my close friends, the experiences I had there to become the person I am today.

Having said that...

domenica 20 settembre 2009

Somewhere over the... wire

I was checking some material for a class of mine
and I found this collaboration between 2 musicians.

I won't say anything, just check the whole video out :)

sabato 12 settembre 2009

Joni Mitchell collaborating

I was working on the blog while I was listening to a sequence of videos on Joni Mitchell


Ciao everybody!

My name is Laura Montanari and I am a 1st year grad student in Music Education.
I just moved here from Italy. I am a singer, songwriter, and dancer.

I titled my blog: COLLA-BORATE & PER-FORM. Why?

Well, I chose to attend this class because it was on the same wavelength of my Kunstanschauung.
In the past I had already developed the concept of Per-formance as applied to my art.
In Latin per-form means "going through forms": I realized that my music needed other art forms to be fully expressed in its content. I was feeling the absence of video art, choreography, photography, poetry, and acting.

For this course I also splitted the word colla-boration. "Colla" in Italian stands for glue.
Glue binds separted objects, sometimes different materials.
I thought that this class could be the glue between our art forms.

And if you really think of it, well, art is a human glue itself, isn't it?