martedì 22 settembre 2009

Oceans in and out of me

Ok, I panicked for this assignment because I never had a mac before, let alone being able to use iMovie and make a clip! :)
And then I had to introduce myself, even harder... ;)

Who am I? Well, of course music defines me better than anything else.
In these days I was listening to this song I sing with my duo: The song is called Oceano and is composed by the pianist I play with. The lyrics to this song define me in a deep and intimate way, although I did not write them.

I filmed some clips during this week, I guess I am also...this week. Places I've seen, people I met, experiences I had.
But I am also the places where I lived in, the people that were there and that became my close friends, the experiences I had there to become the person I am today.

Having said that...

domenica 20 settembre 2009

Somewhere over the... wire

I was checking some material for a class of mine
and I found this collaboration between 2 musicians.

I won't say anything, just check the whole video out :)

sabato 12 settembre 2009

Joni Mitchell collaborating

I was working on the blog while I was listening to a sequence of videos on Joni Mitchell


Ciao everybody!

My name is Laura Montanari and I am a 1st year grad student in Music Education.
I just moved here from Italy. I am a singer, songwriter, and dancer.

I titled my blog: COLLA-BORATE & PER-FORM. Why?

Well, I chose to attend this class because it was on the same wavelength of my Kunstanschauung.
In the past I had already developed the concept of Per-formance as applied to my art.
In Latin per-form means "going through forms": I realized that my music needed other art forms to be fully expressed in its content. I was feeling the absence of video art, choreography, photography, poetry, and acting.

For this course I also splitted the word colla-boration. "Colla" in Italian stands for glue.
Glue binds separted objects, sometimes different materials.
I thought that this class could be the glue between our art forms.

And if you really think of it, well, art is a human glue itself, isn't it?